Mindalt Natural Deodorant Review

Monday, April 12, 2021

Mindalt Natural Deodorant Review - Press sample

Over the last four weeks I've been putting Mindalt natural deodorant to the test. This is my first encounter with natural deodorant and I won't lie, it made me a little nervous. Nobody wants to be out and about and smelly. Thankfully due to certain circumstances we are all wearing masks which lessen scents, but it didn't fully quell my anxiety. I'm going to give you my honest impressions of Mindalt because I know there are other skeptics out there like myself.

flat lay with natural deodorant bottles and informational pamphlet

My first impressions of the branding were positive. Mindalt deodorant has nice branding, and a really clean design. It feels modern, and looks like something I would purchase.

informational pamphlet about switching to natural deodorant

My pr package came with a pamphlet about the formula and what to expect from this deodorant. Reading the "Switching to a natural deodorant" section made me a bit uneasy. I figured I was this for your entertainment (and mine), so as long as my armpits didn't light on fire there was no harm in giving it a go.

informational pamphlet talking about natural deodorant scents

I like that the pamphlet gives a scent breakdown and an ingredients list. The actual bottles of Mindalt deodorant have the scents listed on the bottle, but the ingredients aren't on the label. If you lose the pamphlet the ingredients can easily be located on their website.

natural deodorant roller ball bottle with cap

Each bottle is 2oz/59g net weight and comes with a roller top. You'll notice the roller ball stopper inside the lid so this shouldn't leak if you place it inside a bag. I cannot guarantee this as I've had no need to tote these along with me, but it's a nice feature to have.

more energy scented natural deodorant

More Energy is my favorite scent of the Mindalt lineup. It contains essential oils: lemon, bergamot, sage, vetiver, and sandalwood. With quick whiff you are presented with strong citrus notes that are mellowed with sage. As this scent fades you start to notice more of the vetiver and sandalwood.

more focus scented natural deodorant bottle

More Focus ended up being my least favorite. It's not a bad scent but it just doesn't strike me. I have been using it in rotation with the other three scents, but I don't reach for it first. More Focus contains essential oils: cedarwood, geranium, lime, bergamot, eucalyptus, peppermint, pine, and spearmint. I personally don't notice the peppermint or spearmint in this blend. It seems to be dominated by the geranium, eucalyptus and pine.

more mindful scented natural deodorant bottle

More Mindful has a nice pick-me-up scent that I like to use interchangeably with More Energy. The scent is quite different, but they share a bright similarity with the citrus notes. More Mindful contains essential oils: lemon, lemongrass, basil, bergamot, and cedarwood. This starts off strong with citrus and lemongrass before fading to a more mellow citrus with warm notes of cedar. 

less anxiety scented natural deodorant bottle

Finally we have Less Anxiety. This contains essential oils: bergamot, carrot seed, cypriol, grapefruit, jasmine absolute, lavandin, pink pepper, clary sage, sandalwood, tonka bean absolute, and vetiver. This starts out surprisingly floral due to the jasmine and lavandin, but quickly mellows into a warm, earth scent thanks to the sage, sandalwood, tonka and vetiver. I wasn't sure if I was going to like this one because of how floral it starts out, but much like a good perfume, this scent matures with wear time.

Now for the juicy bits! I've used Mindalt deodorant exclusively for four weeks now so I've passed the "smelly" stage according to the pamphlet. Week one went relatively well. I did experience a bit of burning during the initial few applications, but nothing unbearable. It lasted a few minutes at most and then the sensation was gone. Week two I noticed I was mildly stinky. This was after powerlifting and rowing, so it's not anything too unexpected. My husband didn't notice it, but if I directly smelled my pits, I could pick up on a slight funk. Not so offensive that other people would notice, but enough for me to give my pits an extra wash for a few days. By week three it was smooth sailing with no extra applications or armpit washes. Now that I'm on week four I can seriously say that I love Mindalt deodorant and will continue to use it. I haven't had an opportunity to test this on really hot days, so I may have to do a follow up post later. Overall I'm shocked and impressed that Mindalt natural deodorant works as well as it does!

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