31dc2017 - Connect the Dots feat. Baroness X Ghastly

Sunday, October 01, 2017

31dc2017 - Connect the Dots feat. Baroness X Ghastly - Press sample

This is it! The 31st look for the #31dc2017 challenge. Today's look is to honor nail you love. I'm not sure who the original artist is for this look, but it was a photo that's been repinned on Pinterest over the years. The original artist used a blue leaning purple and a bright pink shade to create lines over nude or nearly nude nails.

thermal nail polish art

My look is similar to the original but done over a thermal to create a slightly different look. I'm quite pleased with how it looks with flakies, so I think Ghastly was a good choice.

thermal nail polish art

Products used

I can't believe the challenge is over (it felt like an eternity), but I'm thankful I stuck with it even through a major nail break. Hopefully you guys didn't mind the change in poses, but it was done to hide the fact that I broke my index nail below the quick two weeks ago. The #31dc2017 was challenging but fun to say the least. I don't think I will retry it anytime soon, but I'm happy I gave it a shot.

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