Wild Florals feat. Zoya Barefoot Summer & Beauty Big Bang

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Wild Florals feat. Zoya Barefoot Summer & Beauty Big Bang - Press sample

It's been a while since I've done some freehand nail art. I just received a nail art brush set from Beauty Big Bang so I thought I would take the opportunity to do something new.

summer flower nail art

Now that you've seen my upside down florals lets check out those brushes and we'll circle back to the mani in a moment.

nail art brushes

This is a three piece set of Kolinsky hair brushes in sizes 0, 00, and 000. I'm honestly not sure if they are real Kolinsky (that's weasel hair), but considering that the set is so cheap on Beauty Big Bang my guess is that they are likely synthetic. The actual listing doesn't even say Kolinsky so I'm not sure what to think. Maybe they are handles that are also used for Kolinsky hair brushes? I'm giving this a big old shrug at this point. Whatever they're made of, they worked well for what I used them for.

summer flower nail art

summer flower nail art

summer flower nail art

Product list

The Zoya polishes featured in today's post are currently available through their website. Each polish is linked above under the products list. You can find the nail art brushes on the Beauty Big Bang website (also linked above). My code BREEDE10 will give you 10% off your order.

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