Top Shelf Lacquer Neon Shots Collection

Friday, May 01, 2020

Top Shelf Lacquer Neon Shots Collection - Press sample

It's almost neon season and Top Shelf Lacquer has the hookup! Today I have fourteen (yes fourteen!) brand new neons to share. This collection has five toppers which makes for a lot of fun color combos. To see regular swatches just keep scrolling, or click over to YouTube for live application swatches.

summer neon nail polish collection

A Day Late and a Dollar Shot

neon glitter nail polish topper

neon glitter nail polish topper

neon glitter nail polish topper

neon glitter nail polish topper

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: A multi-color topper with various sizes of neon glitter and holographic sparkle
Coverage: 1 coat over Some Like It Shot
Price: $10 for full size (15mL), and $6.50 for shots (8mL)

A Shot Mess

neon glitter crelly nail polish

neon glitter crelly nail polish

neon glitter crelly nail polish

neon glitter crelly nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: A marshmallow white crelly base with neon glitters of various color, size and shape
Coverage: 3 coats
Price: $10 for full size (15mL), and $6.50 for shots (8mL)

An Open and Shot Case

neon green glitter nail polish

neon green glitter nail polish

neon green glitter nail polish

neon green glitter nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Topper loaded with neon green glitters of various shape and size in a clear base with a holographic twinkle
Coverage: 1 coat over A Shot Mess
Price: $10 for full size (15mL), and $6.50 for shots (8mL)

Big Shot

neon yellow nail polish

neon yellow nail polish

neon yellow nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: neon yellow crème
Coverage: 3 coats
Price: $10 for full size (15mL), and $6.50 for shots (8mL)

Call The Shots

pink nail polish with neon pink glitter

pink nail polish with neon pink glitter

pink nail polish with neon pink glitter

pink nail polish with neon pink glitter

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Pastel neon pink crelly base with multiple sizes and shape of pink neon glitter
Coverage: 2 coats
Price: $10 for full size (15mL), and $6.50 for shots (8mL)

Connect the Shots

neon pink glitter nail polish

neon pink glitter nail polish

neon pink glitter nail polish

neon pink glitter nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Topper loaded with neon pink glitters of various shape and size in a clear base with a holographic twinkle
Coverage: 1 coat over Shot and Bothered
Price: $10 for full size (15mL), and $6.50 for shots (8mL)

Drop It Like It's Shot

neon pink nail polish

neon pink nail polish

neon pink nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: neon pink crème
Coverage: 2 coats
Price: $10 for full size (15mL), and $6.50 for shots (8mL)

Give It Your Best Shot

green nail polish with neon green glitter

green nail polish with neon green glitter

green nail polish with neon green glitter

green nail polish with neon green glitter

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Pastel neon green crelly base with multiple sizes and shape of green neon glitter
Coverage: 3 coats
Price: $10 for full size (15mL), and $6.50 for shots (8mL)

Life Is Shot

yellow nail polish with neon yellow glitter

yellow nail polish with neon yellow glitter

yellow nail polish with neon yellow glitter

yellow nail polish with neon yellow glitter

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Pastel neon yellow crelly base with multiple sizes and shape of yellow neon glitter
Coverage: 3 coats
Price: $10 for full size (15mL), and $6.50 for shots (8mL)

Put Up or Shot Up

neon yellow glitter nail polish

neon yellow glitter nail polish

neon yellow glitter nail polish

neon yellow glitter nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Topper loaded with neon yellow glitters of various shape and size in a clear base with a holographic twinkle
Coverage: 1 coat over Drop It Like It's Shot
Price: $10 for full size (15mL), and $6.50 for shots (8mL)

Shot and Bothered

neon green nail polish

neon green nail polish

neon green nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: neon green crème
Coverage:  3 coats
Price: $10 for full size (15mL), and $6.50 for shots (8mL)

Shot Off The Press

neon blue glitter nail polish

neon blue glitter nail polish

neon blue glitter nail polish

neon blue glitter nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Topper loaded with neon blue glitters of various shape and size in a clear base with a holographic twinkle
Coverage: 1 coat over Big Shot
Price: $10 for full size (15mL), and $6.50 for shots (8mL)

Some Like It Shot

neon blue nail polish

neon blue nail polish

neon blue nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: neon blue crème
Coverage:  3 coats
Price: $10 for full size (15mL), and $6.50 for shots (8mL)

To Cut A Long Story Shot

blue nail polish with neon blue glitter

blue nail polish with neon blue glitter

blue nail polish with neon blue glitter

blue nail polish with neon blue glitter

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Pastel neon blue crelly base with multiple sizes and shape of blue neon glitter
Coverage: 3 coats
Price: $10 for full size (15mL), and $6.50 for shots (8mL)

The Top Shelf Lacquer Neon Shots collection will be available on Friday, May 8th at 8pm eastern.

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