31dc2017 - Pumpkin & Hearts feat. Bliss Polish Grind

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

31dc2017 - Pumpkin & Hearts feat. Bliss Polish Grind - Press sample

The end of the #31dc2017 is so close I can smell it. It smells like crunchy leaves and all things autumn. Today's prompt was to paint something inspired by a pattern. In this case I would normally share the pattern, but that needs to wait for another post (coming soon).

hand painted pumpkin and heart nail art

For this look I started with a base of Bliss Polish Grind (2 coats). Once that dried I topped it off with gray hearts and little pumpkins. I really wanted to add more detail to the pumpkins like vines and shapely lines, but I don't have a paint brush fine enough for that type of work.

If you enjoyed this post you might like Bliss Polish Werk Collection and Bliss Polish Spring Break Collection.

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