Baroness X October 2017 Monthly Mythical Mystery + Sugar Whipped Soap

Monday, December 18, 2017

Baroness X October 2017 Monthly Mythical Mystery + Sugar Whipped Soap - Press sample

Oh hey! I thought we would take a brief break from the holiday posts to check out one of my personal favorite Baroness X MMM boxes + a sugar scrub (not from the box). I love all things creepy and "mythical" (ghosts are real, don't @ me). I was quite excited to learn about the X'tabai in the October 2017 Baroness X MMM box. Here's the insert:

storytelling insert about X'tabai

What an interesting tale, right? Let's check out the cool stuff that was included in October's box.

glow in the dark ghost jelly soap and nail polish

glow in the dark ghost jelly soap

If growing up means I can't enjoy glow in the dark things I don't want to do it! This ghost jelly soap was too much fun, and the pumpkin pecan waffle scent was perfect for autumn.

color shifting nail polish

color shifting nail polish

color shifting nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Lavender silvery holo with green to violet shimmer, holo micro flakies, and sterling silver micro flakies
Coverage: 3 coats
Notes: X'tabai is quite a shifty polish! The three different photos above were taken under different lighting conditions to show the full shift.

sugar whipped soap

sugar whipped soap

Not included with the box is this wonderfully scented Baroness X Sugar Whipped Soap in Autumn Spice Oranges & Berries scent. It's exfoliating and moisturizing at the same time. I love dual purpose soap like this because it's a great prep item before shaving. Plus, who doesn't need a little extra tlc in this harsh winter weather?!

While the October 2017 Monthly Mythical Mystery is no longer available, next year's sign up form is available for a short time. The theme for next year is space! I don't know about you guys, but I'm super excited to see what's in store! As for the sugar whipped soaps - Autumn Spice Oranges & Berries is no longer in stock but there are a ton of other scents available. You can choose between LE Scents (once they sell out that's it) and House Scents.

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