Nailmas Day 1 | Gradient Snowflakes feat. Rogue Lacquer & Beauty Big Bang

Saturday, December 01, 2018

Nailmas Day 1 | Gradient Snowflakes feat. Rogue Lacquer & Beauty Big Bang - Press sample

Hi there! I'm doing something fun and a little different leading up to Christmas. Sarah of 25 Sweetpeas invited me to join Nailmas this year. If you're not familiar with Nailmas it's essentially the nail polish version of Vlogmas. We'll be doing twenty four(!) days of holiday themed nail videos.

For today's look I decided to do a gradient snowflakes. You can see the video tutorial below.

gradient snowflake nail art

For this look I started with a base of Rogue Lacquer Unicorn Blood. I just love the color shift in this stunning neutral polish!

gradient snowflake nail art

From there I blended Ever After Polish Rachel and Rae on Beauty Big Bang XL 030 to create a third color in the middle.

gradient snowflake nail art

Products used

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