ILNP Undenied

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

I'm back to digging into my personal stash of photos when I stumbled upon swatches of ILNP Undenied. It's a real shame that these have been sitting in my "to edit" folder for over half a year because this polish is unbelievable!

violet red gold multi chrome nail polish

violet red gold multi chrome nail polish

violet red gold multi chrome nail polish

violet red gold multi chrome nail polish

violet red gold multi chrome nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Violet to red to gold multi chrome
Coverage: 2 coats
Price: $12.50
Notes: I dare say that the ILNP Undenied website description doesn't do this shade justice. As you can see, the shifts are flawless. I see at least five different color shifts in this shade. I dare say this might be the most shifty multi chrome I currently own.

If you enjoyed this post you might like ILNP Bermuda Breeze and ILNP Color Kissed Ultra Holo Skittle.

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