Scofflaw Nail Varnish Halloween Trio

Friday, October 09, 2020

Scofflaw Nail Varnish Halloween Trio - Press sample

We're rapidly approaching spooky Halloween and I have three brand new Scofflaw Nail Varnish colors to celebrate the occasion!

glitter nail polish in bottles arranged in a flat lay

Dances With Werewolves

grey glitter nail polish in a bottle

wolf nail polish label on bottom of bottle

grey glitter nail polish three finger swatch

grey glitter nail polish close up swatch

grey glitter nail polish four finger swatch

Formula: A little thick but manageable 
Finish: A grey-taupe base, with iridescence, sparkles, and shimmers in lime, green, orange, and copper
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: For heavy micro glitters I like to allow more time between coats to avoid overworking the color. This seems to produce the best finish with these colors.

Paranormal Inactivity

orange nail polish with colorful glitter in a bottle

haunted house bottle label

orange nail polish with colorful glitter three finger swatch

orange nail polish with colorful glitter close up swatch

orange nail polish with colorful glitter four finger swatch

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: A creamy orange jelly base, with aquamarine, orange, and brown glitters
Coverage: 2 coats

Rosemary's Baby Blues

light blue nail polish with glitter in a bottle

baby bassinette bottle label

light blue nail polish with black glitter three finger swatch

light blue nail polish with black glitter close up

blue nail polish with black glitter four finger swatch

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: A baby-blue crelly, packed with white, black, and gunmetal glitters. This one glows in the dark!
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: My bottle does not contain glow in the dark pigment but the final version will.

The Scofflaw Nail Varnish Halloween Trio will be available on Friday, October 16th. 

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