Tonic Polish Queen

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Are you over magnetic polishes yet? Good, me either! Today's post features Tonic Polish Queen. Like Tonic Polish Xtravaganza, this was a loaner from Oksana of The Polished Koi. I'm still not sure how disclosure works in this case, but Queen was a press sample for her, but simply a loaner for me.

magnetic multi chrome nail polish

magnetic multi chrome nail polish

magnetic multi chrome nail polish

magnetic multi chrome nail polish

magnetic multi chrome nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Pink to orange to peach to yellow magnetic multi chrome with pegasus pee shifting pigment
Coverage: 2 thin coats over black
Price: $16
Notes: Out of all of the magnetics I've worn so far, Tonic Polish Queen seems to have the greatest range of colors between the pegasus pee and the range of the multi chrome shift.

Tonic Polish Queen is currently available on the Tonic Polish website. I'm not sure when this polish will be discontinued, but I do know this is a limited release. You can find more info about this polish in the Tonic Polish fan group on Facebook.

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