Digit-al Dozen All That Glitters | Star Glitter

Thursday, January 11, 2018

For the fourth day of the Digit-al Dozen All That Glitters I decided to get out of my comfort zone a bit. Most of my manis feature some kind of stamped nail art. It's easy and something I could do in my sleep. Instead of taking the easy way out I decided it was time I attempted hand placed glitter.

star glitter nail art

I know a lot of people struggle with stamping but for me, hand placed glitter is a scary thing. You only have one, maybe two tries to get it right before your top coat sets. And if you push the glitter around too much you're likely to smudge your base color.

star glitter nail art

What I learned from hand placing stars is that you should really plan out your placement before you start. I started with my thumb and the stars ended up much closer together than I cared for. Once I got to my middle finger I finally had a feel for what I liked best. I also think one of those "picker" tools for studs and glitter would have been super helpful for this design. I dropped the star glitter more times than I could count.

star glitter nail art

Overall, this was a fun look to complete but not something I would do regularly. It was quite time consuming.

Products used

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