Tonic Polish Flawless

Monday, June 25, 2018

Whelp. I'm totally late to the party with this Tonic shade. Oksana (The Polished Koi) let me borrow Tonic Polish Flawless when it was just released on the website. I've had swatches done for ages, but I had to prioritize a few other posts based on prior commitments. Hopefully those of you who wanted Flawless were able to order it before it was discontinued.

multichrome magnetic nail polish

multichrome magnetic polish

multichrome magnetic polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Gold to orange magnetic multi chrome with color shifting shimmer
Coverage: 1 coat over black
Price: Unknown
Notes: Flawless uses one of the "sister" shimmers to unicorn pee. It doesn't quite have the same color range but it's quite pretty.

Tonic Polish Flawless is not currently available on the website. I'm not sure if it will be returning at a later date or not. That said, there are quite a few pretty polishes in stock right now. You can find more info on Tonic at the links below.

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