Digit-al Dozen Mythical Creatures | Narwhal feat. Zoya

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

It's day three of the Digit-al Dozen does Mythical Creatures! For today's post I decided to do something a little different... a narwhal! They are basically unicorns of the sea, so they deserve their own spotlight.

narwhal nail art

For this look I started with a base of Zoya Vickie on my middle and ring fingers, and Zoya Libby on my pointer and pinky. On my accent nail I topped Zoya Vickie with Leia. They make such a great pair!

narwhal nail art

While my base was drying I worked on my narwhal stamp. This image can be found on MoYou London Animal Collection 4. My narwhal image was filled in using Zoya Blu. I thought it was just the right shade of blue to fit with the overall color scheme.

narwhal nail art

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