Baroness X Starman Acetone Antidote | Polish Pickup April 2018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Baroness X Starman Acetone Antidote | Polish Pickup April 2018 - Press sample

I'm back with another winning scent from Baroness X! For the April Polish Pickup Baroness X will be releasing a space themed Acetone Antidote in the scent of Starman. For those of you who may have missed the news, SpaceX launched a Tesla + dummy into space back in early February. The dummy was named Starman as a nod to David Bowie.

baroness x acetone antidote additive

If you're new to Acetone Antidote, this is a must have product in my beauty arsenal. To use, mix one bottle of Acetone Antidote with 6-8oz of acetone to lessen the harsh effects. After exclusive use of Acetone Antidote well over a year I've found that my clean up brushes stay in great condition for longer, my cuticles don't dry out, and I'm still able to get all of the normal removal power from acetone. I can even use it to remove glitter, and clean up my stamping plates. The last part is especially important because I don't want to have to manage and store two acetone products.

baroness x acetone antidote additive

April's Polish Pickup scent is called Starman and is a mixture of vanilla, black cherry, and leather. It's kind of creamy and smokey all at the same time. I don't find the scent to be sweet, so I think this will be well enjoyed by a variety of people. 

Baroness X Starman Acetone Antidote will launch with the Polish Pickup on April 6th at 11am eastern. The shop will close on April 9th at 11am eastern. Baroness X Starman Acetone Antidote will retail for $4.75 per bottle with a cap at 190 bottles. This is a once in a lifetime custom blend that I don't recommend missing!

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