Digit-al Dozen Stamping Week | Neon Flowers feat. Baroness X Anthracite

Monday, March 12, 2018

It's Digit-al Dozen week again! It feels like this one came around pretty quickly, probably because February was so short. This week the Digit-al Dozen is having Stamping Week. Anything stamped works for this prompt, so I have a feeling we are going to see a variety of different techniques.

For today's look I wanted to start with a quick review of Baroness X Anthracite before diving into my neon flower design.

navy unicorn pee nail polish

navy unicorn pee nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Rich blue jelly with unicorn pee and scattered holo
Coverage: My photos show one coat over Zoya Mallory
Price: $15
Notes: While Anthracite can be worn alone, I opted to wear it over a bright blue so that I can enjoy my bottle for longer. This is by far my favorite unicorn pee polish to date!

neon flower nail art

neon flower nail art

neon flower nail art

Products used

If you enjoyed this post you might like Baroness X Cats in Space Box and Baroness X Shift In Space-Time Collection.

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